

Mental health is a crucial prerequisite in a child’s overall development. Navrachana Vidyani has always endeavoured in fulfilling this provison and hence always had a counselling centre. In fact it is the only state board school to have a Counselling centre since its inception.
The Counselling Centre Sparsh was revamped with better infrastructure and facilities for the possibilities of multiple therapies under the guidance and support of the principal Dr. Archana Mishra, in academic year 2018-19. The centre is sponsored by Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and designed by our own school’s Art teacher Ms. Zaida Jacob. The centre is labour of love.
The school has 2 qualified Counsellors Ms. Falguni Harpale, Senior Counsellor and Ms. Yamini Parikh, Junior Counsellor. Various therapeutic approaches are used as per the requirement of the students namely Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Play Therapy and Sand tray Therapy. The counsellors cater to various needs of the students, parents as well as the teachers.
References are made by the teachers, parents and students themselves. Counsellors generally meet with prior appointments through diary notes, phone call.
Individual students counselling is done regularly for the students for various academic, behavioural and emotional issues using different therapeutic techniques. Parental counselling is done at regular intervals to know the child better, to equip them to deal with him or her in healthy way. Complete confidentiality of the student details is maintained. Class room observations or observation during activity periods and lunch periods are done as per the requirement to know the child better and also to understand the progress.

Therapy and Parental Counselling

Individual Counselling

Sand Tray Therapy


Play Therapy
The centre is committed not only to deal with the difficult behaviours but also designs various activities to promote and prevent mental health. Over the years plenty of such initiatives have been taken.
Career Week Celebration
To name few: Career Week which is a week-long celebration where in various professionals and school Alumni come and talk to the students regarding various professions, required qualifications, work experience etc which help students to take an informed decisions about their career.

Along with equipping the students at career information level they are prepared by conducting Aptitude Tests followed by counselling.
Aptitude Test Conduction and career Counselling
Student Led Conference is a unique initiative that helps students to know themselves and their parents to know their child better: their strengths as well as weaknesses, interest and personality. Training young students to understand and differentiating between a Good Touch and a Bad Touch. Experts are invited to talk about Personal Hygiene which is an integral part of development.

Session on Personal Care and Hygiene

Mother Daughter Program
Group Hypnotherapy Sessions
Group Hypnotherapeutic sessions for the board students to deal with the stress effectively and develop healthy study habits. The new counselling center has a conducive set up along with the recliner chair for conducting Hypnotherapeutic Sessions.
Various initiatives are taken to help the students for behaviour management such as individual and group counseling services, role playing and expressive therapies such as art, music, movement, or drama therapy to support and to acknowledge their journeys toward independence. The project will be extended to different grade levels as well.

Group Activities for Children

Group Activities to train the leaders
Sessions to facilitate teachers for understanding and effective dealings with the students are conducted by the school counsellors and professional experts at regular intervals. The trainings are pertaining to identify difficult behaviours in the class rooms, dealing effectively with them, team building. Psychological tests which help teachers to know themselves better are also conducted.

Parenting Sessions
To equip parents in understanding and dealing with the students effectively individual need based sessions and Group Parenting Sessions are conducted. Parents are also invited to attend Student Led Conferences those help them to their wards better.
Recently a Webinar was conducted to help parents to deal effectively with the children during Pandemic.


Parenting Awareness Session
The centre is actively involved in training the amateur counsellors in the form of their college internships and field visits.
Orientation and Internship programs for
budding School Counsellors
Sparsh center is continously and progressively working in taking all round care of the students’ and teachers’ Mental Health.

Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya School
Address : Near Sama Sports Complex, Sama, Vadodara 390024 Gujarat ( INDIA )
Tel. : 0265-2792285, 2780539
Email :
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