“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”- Mark Van Doren, Poet
To cater to the educational needs of the children and make classroom learning an enjoyable and pleasant experience, the school provides them the best of learning experiences. With this in view, learning centers have been set up for students of Classes I to IX. The centers are equipped and decorated appropriately to provide for a right ambience.
The Learning Centers for Language, Social Studies, General Science and Math have been packed with extensive subject aids like Charts, 3-D maps, TV sets, resource materials and curriculum- appropriate software packages.
• There are five fully equipped, modern laboratories for each of the major Science subjects-Math, Physics, Biology and Chemistry, Composite Lab.
• The Math Laboratory is equipped with computers and LCD Projectors which students can use individually, with proper Math software. The other Laboratories too are fully equipped with substantial teaching aids.
• Reference books which are helpful for students in competitive exams are also provided in the Laboratory.
The contraction STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Vidyani has adopted the STEM programme in conjunction with the regular Scientific Awareness syllabus. By adopting a curriculum driven by problem solving, self-discovery and exploratory learning, students develop critical thinking skills that enable them to come up with novel solutions to emerging challenges.
As the School is a part of the Government of India’s national network of Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATL), the STEM Programme is transacted there. Navrachana Vidyani is the FIRST school from Vadodara to form a part of this network and the ATL is really enhancing the School’s continuous efforts to foster a scientific temper and innovative thinking habits in young minds through the STEM Programme.
With the government’s support, two ATAL Tinkering Labs have been setup in the school where students from the age of 7 to 8 years work on hands-on activities including designing models, robotics, 3D designing even while they learn to collaborate as a team. The objective is to foster curiosity, creativity, imagination and inculcate technical skill sets as required by the school’s STEM curriculum and thereby also realize the vision of the ATAL INNOVATION MISSION of NITI AAYOG to “Cultivate 1 million children in India as Neoteric Innovators”.
Navrachana Vidyani focuses on giving back to the community and hence under ATL we conduct a variety of community outreach programmes where in non- ATL schools and underprivileged children work together with Vidyani students to learn model making, basics of STEM education and its applications by various activities.
The Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Lab based on the guidelines of NEP 2020 (inaugurated by Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya on July 15, 2022) is a space to nurture the young minds of Std.s I and II and prepare them for the future. A one-of-its-kind lab that consists of various teaching-learning aids, it is designed to ignite the spark of learning and forge a new path for teachers and students to march on their educational journey.
The entire system is operated and monitored by the Lab-In-Charge and a trained Technician. A Master Console is connected to individual cubicles through a LAN – based system allowing for two-way communications.
There are constant changes and developments in the field of Information Technology. This has been taken note of by the school and therefore, there are constant additions and upgradations in imparting computer education. There are four separate IT Labs for students of various classes (Primary, Secondary & Higher Secondary). The school has more than 200 computers with Internet access and associated modern input and output devices. The Computer Centre also conducts Training capsules for the teachers to keep them abreast of the latest developments in the field of information technology.
Library is the knowledge hub of the school. It facilitates best possible use of knowledge by all students, staff and parents as well. It facilitates easy access, and encourages and cultivates reading habits among students and staff. At Vidyani we undertake activities to cultivate interest in books and increase involvement in the library, and improve the collection and services on a continuing basis in consultation with users.
The library maintains a regular core collection including reference materials to satisfy the needs of the staff and students. The core collection consists of textbooks, reference materials related to each subject, costly essential books which would include encyclopedias, maps, atlas, rare books on particular subjects or exclusive editions of general books.
The library has a rich collection of approximately 15,000 books. It subscribes to 33 journals and periodicals and 4 news papers in three languages. Newspapers are displayed on stands, one in the office area and one at the library entrance. Old periodicals/ magazines are arranged date wise and preserved for at least one academic year.
We are running Parents’ Library since 2005 November especially for young children (from class I to IV) to inculcate reading habits in young children and enhance their thinking with playful way. Parents of all Vidyani students join this library. It started with 4 parents, today there are around 300 parents’ members.
“…a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all … have the potential to turn a life around.” Dr. Felice Buscaglia
The Counseling Centre, ‘Sparsh’, under the charge of a trained Counselor, addresses the social, emotional and scholastic anxieties of students, staff and even parents. ‘Sparsh’ also conducts Aptitude Tests and advises on Study and Career Opportunities and Personality Development. Regular lectures and workshops are conducted to spread awareness regarding preventive mental health and behavioural issues. The Centre also manages the Teacher Development Programme aimed at upgrading teaching skills and enhancing classroom management techniques.
The counselor generally meets students who request counseling or are referred by parents or teachers. The Principal / Coordinator / Class Teacher may advise a student to seek counseling. The counselor always meets the student alone in a private, confidential space/room. (Subsequent meetings are held with or without parents / class teacher / peers.)
Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya offers an extensive sports ground for Mass Drill, Athletics, and Team games, such as Cricket, Basketball, Football and Volleyball. It also provides an indoor play area for Table Tennis enthusiasts. Vidyani conducts training in various sports after school hours. Excellent infrastructure facilities and experienced coaches make the sports programme an enjoyable experience for students.
The School complex incorporates various fully equipped Activity rooms. The Co-curricular Excellence Programme gives ample opportunity to all students to enhance their motor and mental skills through formal training in music (vocal and instrumental), dance, art and craft, home management and sports. Separate rooms are provided for each activity including indoor games like table tennis, carrom and chess.
Another remarkable feature of the school is the two auditoriums equipped with the latest sound system. While the smaller one can seat 200, the larger has a seating capacity of 500.
Dining Area – the nourishing place
Nutritious wholesome brunch is provided to students from Nursery to Std. XII and Staff alike. High standards of hygiene are maintained in the kitchen and dining area.
Infirmary – a healing touch
An adequately equipped Infirmary, functioning under a trained Nurse – in – Aid, provides essential medical support to the school. There is also a doctor on call for emergencies.

Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya School
Address : Near Sama Sports Complex, Sama, Vadodara 390024 Gujarat ( INDIA )
Tel. : 0265-2792285, 2780539
Email : vidyani@navrachana.edu.in
Website : www.vidyani.navrachana.in