Science and Technology

Science and Technology
World Robotics Olympiad Regionals

Navrachana Vidyani is proud to announce its remarkable success at the ‘World Robotics Olympiad Regionals’ held in Ahmedabad over August 17-18, winning three prestigious awards. Our teams secured 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions in various categories, showcasing their talent and dedication under the supervision of their mentors Mukesh Bind and Jinny Shah. The 1st position was secured by TEAM NAVRACHANA VIDYANI PRALAY SHAMAK comprising Jainil Patel (8C) and Jayvardhan Israni(9B). The 2nd position was secured by TEAM VIDYANI FARMINATE, the participants of which were Hetansh Patel (6C), Naitik Jani (9A) and Hunar Chhabaria (9D). While the 1st and the 2nd position were in the Future Innovator category, the 3rd position was for Robo Mission Elementary category which was bagged by TEAM VIDYANI TECH QUEENS consisting of Darshi Bhatt (6B), Dhyani Patel (6D) and Neysa Prajapati(6A). Additionally, our school has also been honored with the title of ‘ATL School of the Month for July 2024’ by Atal Innovation Mission (AIM, NITI Aayog) for demonstrating exceptional performance.
Congratulations to the winners as well as the mentors for this commendable success!
Chasing dreams and achieving goals!

Navrachana Vidyani made a mark at the HDFC LIFE Idea Young Star Competition (Virtual) held on April 20 with two of the teams securing their spots in the top 10 rankings!
The team of Hunar Chhabaria (9D) and Krishna Jigyasi (9D) especially deserves a special mention for clinching the 1st Runner-Up position and securing the cash prize of 1.5 Lakhs! The organisers, HDFC Life and RED FM, thus provided an incredible platform that showcased the students’ talents and creativity and kudos to our participating students and their mentors, Mr. Mukesh Bind and Ms.Jinny Shah, for their hard work, dedication,and innovative ideas!
Curiosity leads to Creativity and Innovation!

The team of creative minds from Navrachana Vidyani, comprising Jainil Patel (7C), Jayvardhan Israni (8B) and Naitik Jani (8A), secured the 2nd position at the IIC ( Institution’s Innovation Council) Regional Meet 2023, an initiative by MoE (Ministry of Education), held in Ahmedabad on December 27. Team Vidyani was also honoured with the ‘Best ATL Innovation Stall’ memento for their innovative project, ‘Self-Lacing Shoes.’ This event was a part of the broader initiative by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) to cultivate a culture of innovation in educational institutions across India. Notably, the award was presented by Shri Praful Pansheriya (Hon’ble Minister of State, Higher Education, Govt. of Gujarat), Shri Banchha Nidhi Pani IAS (Commissioner, Higher & Technical Education), and Dr. Neerja Gupta (Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University). Dignitaries from the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell, Govt of India, IIC, and Gujarat University also graced the occasion.
Creativity is intelligence having fun!

The out of the box thinkers of Navrachana Vidyani, Jainil Patel (8C) and Jayvardhan Israni (9B) stamped their presence in ‘Tinkerthon 2.0’, an event organized by Navrachana University, Vadodara over April 3-4 as part of the ‘NUV-Yuva 23 Fest’. The event challenged participants to solve a mystery problem, using their skills in coding, robotics, and artificial intelligence.
Jainil and Jayvardhan showed exceptional teamwork, determination, and ingenuity throughout the 40-hour event. Their collaborative efforts paid off as they successfully cracked the mystery problem and secured the 3rd position. The duo’s ingenuity was rewarded with a cash prize of INR 5000.This success reflects the spirit of innovation and problem-solving that Navrachana Vidyani instills in its students by providing a conducive environment in which the young minds can thrive.
National Level Robotics Championship
![Jayvardhan-National robotics-web]](
The greatest achievement is to out perform yourself! Vidyanian Jayvardhan Israni (8B) secured the 1st position in the National Level Robotics Championship (10-15 years) organized by IBA Robotised World on December 10. Jayvardhan’s innovative thinking also earned him a cash price of rupees 10,000!
Congratulations Jayvardhan on this recognition of your technical acumen!
Curioscope 2023

Vidyanians Dhvani Navlani, Princy Patel and Hunar Chabbaria (8D) and Jainil Patel (7C), Jayvardhan Israni (8B) and Naitik Jani (8A) took Navrachana Vidyani to the winning post at ‘Curioscope 2023’ a Science Fair organised by Green Valley High School, Ampad – Vadodara on December 16.
While Dhvani, Princy and Hunar presented a working model ‘Navkriti’ and bagged the first position with a cash prize of 10000 rupees, the team comprising Jainil, Jayvardhan and Naitik, created the working model , ‘Self Lacing Shoes’ which clinched the third spot and a cash prize of 3000 rupees!
‘The event witnessed the presence of dignitaries like Dr. M Patri (Chairman of CEPTAM, DRDO, Delhi), Dr. CN Ramchand (Scientist and CEO and CSO) who is known for successful startups like ‘Theragen Biologics’ and ‘MagGenome Technologies’, Dr. Ramchandran Kothari (former Dean of the Faculty of Education and Psychology, MSU) and Dr. Rajamannar Thennati (Executive VP and advisor to MD at Sun Pharmaceutical Industries).
Indeed such events provide the opportunity for students to showcase their innovative ideas and gain inspiration to aspire for further success in pursuing STEM. Congratulations to the science buffs!
Tech Fest

Techno geeks of Navrachana Vidyani claimed the title of ‘Overall Digital Champion of the Year 2023-24’ in ‘TechFest 1.0’ organised by St.Kabir Indian International School on October 28. Team Vidyani clinched the top spots in a number of events, thus securing the championship.
While Janhavi Atodaria (9A) and Jainam Mehta(9A) came in 1st in RoboMania (Sr Category), Jayvardhan Israni(8B) and Naitik Nagori (7B) got the 3rd position in RoboMania (Jr Category), while Mantavya Damor(9A) and Noor Mohammad Campwala (11A) won the 2nd prize in Code Bravo.
Congratulations to all the winners and their mentors on achieving such a significant milestone!

Navrachana Vidyani tech-enthusiasts Hetansh Patel (5C) and Yugam Shah (5B) bagged the 2nd Position (Junior level) at the Inter-School Competition ‘Scipotech 2023-24’ organised by Podar World School, Maneja on October 28.
The theme of the year was ‘Science in everyday life’, a blend of Science, Technology and STEAM/STEM wherein the participants had put up working, non-working models on science, involving technology in different projects with tech support. Hetansh and Yugam created a brush that can automatically clean tanks using AI technology, so that humans need not venture into big tanks.
Kudos to the tech-smart achievers on their innovative use of technology and the socially responsible thinking that brought it about!
National Robotics

Jayvardhan Israni (7B) clinched the Runner Up trophy (10-15 years senior category) in the National Robotics Championship held at Billabong High International School, Vadodara on Nov 20.
Jayvardhan created a model of a bluetooth car that can be operated using a cellphone and was awarded a certificate, medal, trophy and a cash prize of ₹2000 for such an innovative idea!
Critical Thinking at its best!

Navrachana Vidyani science enthusiast Prem Patel (10D) won the 1st prize at the District Level in the National Science Seminar organised by Community Science Centre, Vadodara on Sept 8. Prem’s research based presentation on ‘Science for Sustainable Development’ was commended by the judges for its ingenious and inventive ideas about prospects and challenges faced by the environment.
STEM Champs

Veeraditya Sinh Vala and Jainil Patel of Class 6 bagged the 1st position in Scipotech under technology category on Oct 14, 2022.
Keep going! Keep growing!

Dr Archana Mishra, Principal, Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya, was awarded the ‘Innovative Practices in Curriculum Award’ in a ceremony to recognize educationists who have excelled in the field of education in India and other parts of the world. The ‘Excellence in Education Award 2022’ ceremony was held on 6th Oct 2022 at the World Hindi Secretariat, Phoenix, Mauritius at the initiative of the Intelligent Minds Trust (IMT) from India.
The award was given by the President of the Republic of Mauritius, His Excellency Mr Prithvirajsing Roopun, and the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, the Hon. Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun.
Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya was felicitated for being ranked Vadodara# 4 in the Co-ed Day Schools category in the Education World India School Rankings 2022-23 event held at New Delhi on Oct 11 and 12, 2022.
Ingenious trailblazers!

Vidyani sciencophiles proved their mettle at the SciPoTech Competion organised by Podar World School on December 3 with Abdul Qadir (IXD) and Debdoot Manna’s (IXB) model that converts heat energy to electrical energy winning in the Science Projects category and Dhruv Desai (XA) and Vedant Naik’s (XB) 3D modelling netting the 1st Runners-up Trophy in the Technology group. Meanwhile, Darsh Kadakia and Poojan Tank’s (IXD) prototype to provide personal and data safety to individuals also won the 2nd spot in the STEAM segment! Originality and creativity surely won the day for these Vidyanians!
At the forefront of technology …

Darsh Kadakia and Poojan Tank (IXD) were crowned winners in the Nanu Bhai Amin Award for Innovative Science Exhibit organised by Community Science Center on January 18.
Their project ‘Security Suit’ integrated features that enhance its user’s safety and its cutting edge innovation won the awesome twosome the 1st spot in the Engineering category!
Masters of the digi-world!

Vidyani cyber savvies stole the show at ‘CSI Student Convention Region III’ organized by the Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Charusat on January 24 when they made a clean sweep in all categories!
The impressive roster read as follows :
Quiz : The team of Vainavi Thakkar (VIIIA) and Rachel Agrawal (VIIIB) clinched the top spot and a cash prize of Rs.500.
Debate : Shikhar Patel(VIIB) nabbed the 1st position and Rs.1000 while Khyati Adaki (XIA) received a cash prize of Rs.500 for coming in 2nd.
C-Programing : Dhruv Thakkar (XIB) was the winner and was awarded Rs.1000 while Daksh Patel (XISc.) bagged the 2nd spot.
HTML Coding : Sonalika Shah (XIA) grabbed the top spot and Rs.1000.
Poster Presentation : Ved Amin (VIIB) secured the 2nd position and got Rs.500 as his prize.
Dumb Charades : Parshava Parmar (VIIIB) was the winner and got a cash prize of Rs.1000 while Kriday Desai (VIIIB) got Rs.500 for being 2nd.
The clean sweep clearly established that Vidyanians have aced this domain!
The highbrow techs

Darsh Kadakia & Abdul Patangwala
Sciencophiles Darsh Kadakia and Abdul Patangwala (IXD) participated in the Children Innovation Festival, Ahmedabad. Their model, figured among the Top-30 Ideas and earned the pair the unique privilege of being felicitated by the Hon’ble Minister Shri Vijay Bhai Rupani at Sachivalay, Gandhinagar!
A wonderful exposure indeed!!
Making a point for decluttering

Roohani Mangroliya, Pratham Vajifdar, Dev Sonavane, Dhun Navale, Shreya Sehgal
Dhun Navale (XIGen.) was one of the guest speakers at the TedEd Club event organised by Navrachana School Sama on December 6. She spoke eloquently on the topic ‘How I cleaned up my room’, a metaphor for the need to declutter one’s mind and its impact on the mental health of the individual. Dhun’s novel presentation captivated the audience which applauded her original take on an issue of great importance in present times! Four other Vidyanians, Pratham Vajifdar, Shreya Sehgal, Roohani Mangroliya and Dev Sonavane (XIGen.), too attended the session and thereby got the chance to listen to young speakers expounding on a wide range of topics, all close to their own concerns!

Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya School
Address : Near Sama Sports Complex, Sama, Vadodara 390024 Gujarat ( INDIA )
Tel. : 0265-2792285, 2780539
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