Student Council

Student Council
- Council 2024-25
Steering the ship into the Silver Jubilee year …
As the School adjusts its sails for the celebratory year, preparing to lead from the front is our body of young enthusiastic student leaders.
Navrachana Vidyani celebrated Investiture Ceremony 2024-25 wherein the new Student Council was formally sworn in on July 12. The event commenced with a parade led by the school band ushering in first the former Student Council and then the newly elected Council. The pipping ceremony that followed saw the old order change as the previous Council Members handed over charge to the new incumbents. The solemn Oath taking ceremony witnessed the new members taking the pledge to keep the Vidyani spirit alive and to discharge their duties with utmost sincerity and diligence. Then, President Shivala Patel (12A), Head Girl Vanshi Lalpurwala (12D) and Head Boy Noor Mohammed Campwala (12A), in their speech, set out the Council agenda for the year and promised to carry forward the good work initiated by the former Council. In her address, Principal Dr. Archana Mishra commended the work done by the outgoing Council and urged the new Members to work earnestly towards the betterment of the school, especially with this being the Silver Jubilee year of Navrachana Vidyani! The solemn ceremony concluded with a stirring rendition of the school song which reflected the feeling of belongingness of the students towards their school.
The promising new student envoys look forward to light the fire of zeal and passion in their peers and also, not to create more followers, but to spawn more leaders!

Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya School
Address : Near Sama Sports Complex, Sama, Vadodara 390024 Gujarat ( INDIA )
Tel. : 0265-2792285, 2780539
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